Nill'ys billboard

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

WEBPAGE -another mountain to climb..

I have started looking at creating a webpage and geo cities.
My Webpage is currently at the start of its construction at-

Monday, September 25, 2006


Today, Mahsa showed me how to work with hot potatoes. My biggest problem is that I feel that I am very slow on the uptake. I feel that I'm much slower than in my youth - under-grad - days. Whe something is said, it just doesn't sink into my brain. This worries me because I'm not 40 yet. I never agreed with the philosophy on critical age hypothesis- always thought older learners can do it, if they are in good health. Yet, my own example doesn't convince me about this any longer. I can see that I'll have to persevere more to get my certificate.. I'm just taking a moment, right now, to enjoy myself being sad....

Saturday, September 16, 2006


We've just learnt how to do eportfolis in our technology workshop. I'd like to learn how to use these with young learners.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Dear friends,
I had these words on my wall since I was 16, for 10 years, till I left home. I still think they're good words and decided to put it in here. Most of you may have seen it - do you think its a good recipe to follow?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

WebQuest in sight!


I've done it! I think I really have..the webquest. Never thought I'd ever do such a thing in my life. It doesn't look too bad (to me) either! I have, in retrospect, hugely enjoyed this unit so far and this assignment. Much nicer than writing boring essays on pedagogies!

Another milestone has been designing the mini test. I've never had to sample a taste of my own cooking in the education area, before...It was such a good experience. I've discovered that a thousand things can go wrong when we set a test. The design might be good, but the logistics..I've got to think of everything.

For the first time since I started the semester, I'm breathing more easily- to have finished two assessment tasks is worth celebrating(till the marks come, that is..?!). And the next assignments can't be forgotten.