Nill'ys billboard

Monday, September 25, 2006


Today, Mahsa showed me how to work with hot potatoes. My biggest problem is that I feel that I am very slow on the uptake. I feel that I'm much slower than in my youth - under-grad - days. Whe something is said, it just doesn't sink into my brain. This worries me because I'm not 40 yet. I never agreed with the philosophy on critical age hypothesis- always thought older learners can do it, if they are in good health. Yet, my own example doesn't convince me about this any longer. I can see that I'll have to persevere more to get my certificate.. I'm just taking a moment, right now, to enjoy myself being sad....


At 9:44 pm, Blogger Helen said...

I love your flowers, Nilly. It doesn't get much better than flowers, food and CALL. You are still a spring chicken and soon you will be a techno chic. (Especially after the next assignment)


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