Nill'ys billboard

Monday, August 21, 2006

Dear anyone-who-reads-this,
I finally managed to get a photo that wasn't copyrighted to insert in my profile. Since it has taken me half the night and half the wee hours of the morning, I've realised that i'm more stupid than most. If only the OLT was working in our uni site I could have referred the free pix for language teachers site that we were told about in class, for my purpose. However, the computer is refusing to cooperate. I'm so thrilled about inserting the photo - all on my little ownsome, that I doubt that I'll sleep the rest of the night - or rather, the morning. As my child is on 8 puffs of ventolin and is only one step away from hospital, insomnia is more beneficial than detrimental at the moment. Sometimes small victories aren't worth the price , I think. Since I haven't achieved much I thought I'll go rainbow with the font -I feel like Anne of Green Gables with the dyed hair - admiring my psychedelic font effect!


At 9:12 pm, Blogger Helen said...

Well done, Nilly. You are charging ahead like a trooper. I know what you're experiencing with the asthma, as my little grandson suffers and the weather is not helping. Helen


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